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Strengths and good practices - European Green Capital 2024 - València

Strengths and good practices

The efforts implemented in Valencia in terms of urban sustainability, which are its main pillars as European Green Capital, can be grouped around 4 thematic axes and 1 transversal one: 

Green infrastructure and urban biodiversity

Valencia has an extraordinary natural heritage. Alongside the aforementioned “Jardin del Tùria” and “Parc Central”, which act as the main green lungs of the city, Valencia also offers hundreds of local parks that allow more than 70% of its citizens to have a green space in less than a five-minute walk from home. 
The city currently has 7.5 square metres of green space per inhabitant, but it has set the objective to reach 10 square metres by 2030.

Green and Digital Missio

Valencia has been selected by the European Commission as one f the 112 participating cities in the EU Mission for climate-neutral and smart cities. The main objective of Valencia 2030 Green and Digital Mission is to achieve climate neutrality in the city by 2030. 

Public space and mobility

The city promotes the use of public transport and active mobility, improving air quality. More specifically, we stand out for our potential as a cycling city due to our orography, climate, and urban model.
The city already has 200km of bicycle lanes and cycle lanes), most of which are located in the aforementioned “Jardín del Túria”, the largest linear urban park in Europe.

Orchard and sustainable nutrition

“l’Horta de València” is one of the most important orchards in Europe. We have more than 120 square kilometres of fields and fertile land, where we harvest top quality fruits and vegetables, the basis of the Mediterranean diet and of our gastronomy.

Alliances and participation

This transversal pillar refers to the fact that, in all the events that will be held within the framework of the European Green Capital, all city stakeholders (societal, economic, and political) will be involved.