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INFOCIUTAT | Ajuntament de València - València

Cerques en Infociutat

Localització d'equipaments pel seu nom o a partir d'alguna paraula inclosa en la seua descripció o contingut.

Opcions de la cerca

Cercar en:
S'ha produït un error mentre es processava la plantilla.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> JournalArticleService.fetchArticleByUrlTitle(groupId, urlTitle)  [in template "20115#20151#21567025" at line 192, column 44]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign article = JournalArticleServi...  [in template "20115#20151#21567025" at line 192, column 25]
1<!--El publicador no hay que configurarlo con la estructura de infociudad, porque sino intenta cargar cada vez todas las fichas de infociudad--> 
2<#assign liferay_theme = PortletJspTagLibs["/META-INF/liferay-theme.tld"] /> 
3<@liferay_theme["defineObjects"] /> 
4<#assign themeRootPath = themeDisplay.getPathThemeRoot() /> 
5<#assign themeImagesPath = themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages() /> 
6<#assign catLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryLocalService") /> 
7<#assign catPropLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.category.property.service.AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService") /> 
8<#assign JournalArticleService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
9<#assign infoUrl = "/infociudad"/> 
10<#assign infoUrlVal = "/infociutat"/> 
11<#assign friendlyURL = themeDisplay.getScopeGroup().getFriendlyURL() /> 
12<#assign currentURL = themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() /> 
13<#if request.getParameter("p_r_p_categoryId")?has_content> 
15	<#assign categoryId = request.getParameter("p_r_p_categoryId") /> 
16	<#assign categoryIdLong = categoryId?number?long /> 
17    <#assign classLoader = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.PortalClassLoaderUtil"]/> 
18	<#assign categoryValueClass = staticUtil["com.liferay.petra.lang.ClassResolverUtil"].resolve("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetCategory",classLoader.getClassLoader()) > 
19	<#assign dynamicQueryFactory = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQueryFactoryUtil"] > 
20	<#assign dynamicQuery = dynamicQueryFactory.forClass(categoryValueClass) > 
21	<#assign propertyFactory = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.PropertyFactoryUtil"]> 
22	<#assign VOID = dynamicQuery.add(propertyFactory.forName("parentCategoryId").eq(categoryIdLong))> 
23	<#assign results = catLocalService.dynamicQuery(dynamicQuery) > 
24	<#assign categoryChilds = results /> 
25	<div class="container publicador-infociudad"> 
26		<#assign categoriaRecorrida = categoryIdLong > 
27		<#assign x=10> 
28		<div class="publicador-infociudad-header"> 
29		<#assign categorias = [] /> 
30		<#list 1..x as i> 
31			<#assign dynamicQueryPadres = dynamicQueryFactory.forClass(categoryValueClass) > 
32			<#assign VOID = dynamicQueryPadres.add(propertyFactory.forName("categoryId").eq(categoriaRecorrida))> 
33			<#assign resultsPadres = catLocalService.dynamicQuery(dynamicQueryPadres) > 
34			<#assign categoryPadres = resultsPadres /> 
35				<#if categoryPadres?has_content > 
36					<#list categoryPadres as categoryPadre>						 
37							<#if i == 1 > 
38								<h2>${categoryPadre.getTitle(locale)}</h2>											 
39							</#if> 
40							<#assign categoriaRecorrida = categoryPadre.getParentCategoryId() > 
41							<#assign categorias = categorias +[categoryPadre] />							 
42					</#list> 
43				</#if> 
45		</#list> 
46		<#assign cont = 1 /> 
47		<#list categorias?reverse as c> 
48			<a class="a-info-cat a-info-cat-icon" href="${c.getCategoryId()}" alt="${c.getTitle(locale)}"> 									     
49				<p style="font-family: Montserrat-SemiBold,sans-serif;float:left;font-size:2em;margin-bottom: 0.5rem;font-weight: 500;line-height: 1.2;">${c.getTitle(locale)}</p> 
50				<#if cont != categorias?size > 
51					<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span> 
52				</#if> 
53			</a> 
54			<#assign cont = cont + 1 /> 
55		</#list> 
56		</div> 
57		<#assign resultsCount = 0 /> 
58			<#if categoryChilds?has_content > 
59				<#assign resultsCountCat = 0 /> 
60				<#assign z=0> 
61				<#list categoryChilds as categoryChild> 
62					<#assign aparece = "true" /> 
63					<#assign properties = catPropLocalService.getCategoryProperties(categoryChild.getCategoryId())> 
64                    <#if properties?has_content> 
65                        <#list properties as p> 
66                            <#if p.getKey() == "Visible"> 
67                                <#assign aparece = catPropLocalService.getCategoryProperty(categoryChild.getCategoryId(), "Visible").getValue() > 
68                            </#if> 
69                        </#list> 
70                    </#if> 
71					<#if aparece == "true"> 
72					<#assign resultsCountCat = resultsCountCat + 1 /> 
73					<#if z%2 == 0> 
74						<#if z == 0> 
75							<div class="row row-recurso"> 
76						<#else> 
77							</div> 
78							<div class="row row-recurso">  
79						</#if> 
80					</#if>  
81					<div class="col-md-5 col-sm-12 recurso"> 
82						<a href='${categoryChild.getCategoryId()}' alt='${categoryChild.getTitle(locale)}'> 
83							<div class="recurso-imagen"> 
84								<img src="/documents/20142/21327443/articulo.svg/d1e8b7f4-5ef6-d26d-6fc0-dfb6e26f00b8?t=1671699607767" style="width:40px;height:50px;" alt=""/> 
85								<h3 class="mt-4">${categoryChild.getTitle(locale)}</h3> 
86							</div> 
87						</a> 
88					</div> 
89					<#if categoryChild?is_last> 
90						</div> 
91					</#if>                       
92				<#assign z++> 
93					</#if> 
94				</#list> 
95				<#assign resultsCount = resultsCount + resultsCountCat /> 
96			</#if> 
97			<#assign subcategories = catLocalService.getChildCategories(categoryIdLong) /> 
98			<#assign x = [categoryIdLong]> 
99			<#assign assetEntryQueryService = objectUtil("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalServiceUtil")> 
100			<#assign assetEntryQuery = objectUtil("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.persistence.AssetEntryQuery") /> 
102			<#assign search =assetEntryQuery.setAnyCategoryIds(x) /> 
103			<#assign search2 =assetEntryQuery.setOrderByCol1("title") /> 
104			<#assign search3 =assetEntryQuery.setOrderByType1("ASC") /> 
106            <#assign results = assetEntryQueryService.getEntries(assetEntryQuery)> 
107            <#assign entries = results> 
108			<#if entries?has_content> 
109			    <#assign entriesCount = 0 /> 
110				<#assign z = 0> 
111				<#list entries as curEntry> 
112					<#assign entryId = curEntry.getClassPK() /> 
113					<#if entryId?? && entryId != 0 > 
114					 <#if JournalArticleService.fetchLatestArticle(getterUtil.getLong(entryId),0)??> 
115						<#attempt> 
116                            <#assign article = JournalArticleService.fetchLatestArticle(getterUtil.getLong(entryId),0) /> 
118						<#if article?? && JournalArticleService.isLatestVersion(article.getGroupId(), article.getArticleId(), article.getVersion())> 
119							<#if article.getStructureId() == "46337"> 
120								<#assign contiene = "false" /> 
121								<#if subcategories?has_content> 
122									<#list subcategories as subcategory> 
123										<#if catLocalService.hasAssetEntryAssetCategory(curEntry.getEntryId(), subcategory.getCategoryId())?c == "true"> 
124											<#assign contiene = "true" /> 
125											<#break> 
126										</#if> 
127									</#list> 
128								</#if> 
129								<#if contiene == "false" > 
130									<#assign rootElement = saxReaderUtil.read(article.getContentByLocale(locale)).getRootElement() /> 
131									<#assign selector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@name='titulo']") /> 
132									<#assign titulo = selector.selectSingleNode(rootElement).getStringValue()?replace("\"", "") /> 
133									<#if article.isExpired()?c == "false"> 
134									    <#assign entriesCount = entriesCount + 1 /> 
135									    <#if z%2 == 0> 
136											<#if z == 0> 
137												<div class="row row-recurso"> 
138											<#else> 
139												</div> 
140												<div class="row row-recurso">  
141											</#if> 
142										</#if>  
143										<div class="col-md-5 col-sm-12 recurso"> 
144											<a href="/-/${article.getUrlTitle(locale)}" alt="${article.getTitle(locale)}"> 
145												<div class="recurso-imagen"> 
146													<img src="/documents/20142/21327443/url.svg/b5446b33-b350-9f55-108c-f88d683ac9e5?t=1671699609810" style="width:40px;height:50px;" alt=""/> 
147													<h3 class="mt-4">${titulo}</h3> 
148												</div> 
149											</a> 
150										</div> 
151									<#assign z++> 
152									</#if> 
153								</#if> 
154							</#if> 
155						</#if> 
156							<#recover> 
157							<#continue> 
158						</#attempt> 
159						</#if> 
160					</#if> 
161					<#if curEntry?is_last> 
162						</div> 
163					</#if>  
164				</#list> 
165				<#assign resultsCount = resultsCount + entriesCount /> 
166			</#if> 
167		<div style="margin-top:1em;"> 
168			<#if locale == "es_ES"> 
169				<span class="pl-2">${resultsCount} documentos encontrados.</span> 
170			<#else> 
171				<span class="pl-2">${resultsCount} documents trobats.</span> 
172			</#if> 
173		</div> 
174	</div> 
176	<#if currentURL?contains("/-/") > 
177		<#assign urlTitle = currentURL[currentURL?last_index_of("/-/")+3..] /> 
178		<#if urlTitle?starts_with("asset_publisher")> 
179			<#if urlTitle?last_index_of("?") == -1> 
180				<#assign urlTitle = urlTitle[urlTitle?last_index_of("/content/")+9..] /> 
181			<#else> 
182				<#assign urlTitle = urlTitle[urlTitle?last_index_of("/content/")+9..urlTitle?last_index_of("?")-1] /> 
183			</#if> 
184		<#else> 
185			<#if urlTitle?last_index_of("?") != -1> 
186				<#assign urlTitle = urlTitle[0..urlTitle?last_index_of("?")-1] /> 
187			</#if> 
188		</#if> 
189		<#if JournalArticleService.fetchLatestArticleByUrlTitle(groupId, urlTitle,0)??> 
190			<#assign article = JournalArticleService.fetchLatestArticleByUrlTitle(groupId, urlTitle,0) /> 
191		<#else> 
192			<#assign article = JournalArticleService.fetchArticleByUrlTitle(groupId, urlTitle) /> 
193		</#if> 
194		<#if article??> 
195			<@liferay_journal["journal-article"]     
196					articleId=article.getArticleId() 
197					groupId=article.getGroupId() 
198			/> 
199		</#if> 
200	</#if> 
203.recurso { 
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223	float: left; 
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227    text-transform: uppercase; 
228    margin-left: 0; 
229    padding: 1em; 
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236    font-weight: 600; 
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238    display: table-cell; 
239    vertical-align: middle; 
240    width: calc(100% - 50px);	 
243.recurso-imagen { 
244	vertical-align: middle; 
247.recurso > div p { 
248    font-size: 0.7em; 
249    color: #333; 
250    text-align: left; 
251    line-height: 140%; 
252    height: auto; 
253    padding: 1em; 
254    margin: 0; 
255    max-height: fit-content; 
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259	list-style:none; 
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270	$(document).ready(function() { 
271		var pageUrl = document.location.pathname; 
272		if (!pageUrl.includes("/asset_publisher/dFPWlHhXaSZ7/")) { 
273			$('#portlet_com_liferay_asset_publisher_web_portlet_AssetPublisherPortlet_INSTANCE_Qgz8ni2Ffjm5').hide(); 
275		$('a[href*="guia_accesibilidad.nsf"]').parent().hide(); 
276		//$("h4:contains('Servicios/Actividades:')").parent().hide(); 
277	}); 